loan calculators


Mortgage calculators are a great way to estimate how much you can borrow, what your mortgage repayment amount and more. The outputs from these tools will help get an idea into the borrowing capacity as well as property fees that would be applicable in any given situation – this is only approximate though! Get in touch with one of our advisors for further details before making deposits or purchasing properties so we may make sure it’s right for both parties involved.

Contact our advisors to learn more about purchasing a home.

Borrowing power

Calculate how much you can borrow based on your salary and financial commitments.

loan repayments

Work out your minimum monthly home loan repayments and the impact of making extra repayments.

Extra repayment

Work out how long it will take you to repay your home loan and pay off your mortgage.

Home Loan offset

Calculate how much you could save over time by using an offset account to pay off your home loan faster.

Mortgage Switching

How much time and interest can you save by paying a lump sum off your home loan? Find out today.

Property Buying Cost

Your Loan to Value Ratio (LVR) is very important as it determines the amount a lender will loan to you.

Rent vs Buy

Helps aspiring homeowners work out whether it’s a better decision to buy a home or continue renting property

Split Loan

Use this calculator to work out the remaining balance of your home loan, based on certain timeframes.

Stamp Duty

Work out the stamp duty payable on your property purchase in your state or territory.

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